In the late 1990s, the anonymous French artist known as Invader began affixing ceramic mosaic representations of Space Invaders—pixelated figures from the classic 1978 video game—throughout the streets of Paris. He later broadened his collection to feature Pac-Man ghosts and various other iconic 8-bit characters, with his creations now embellishing urban landscapes globally, from Los Angeles to Kathmandu. In addition to these covert street art installations, Invader has crafted mosaics on materials such as Perspex panels, plywood, and book covers. His artistic repertoire also includes paintings, drawings, and screen prints, all characterized by his distinctive pixelated aesthetic. These pieces frequently command six-figure sums in the secondary market. Notably, in 2019, astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti transported one of Invader’s artworks to the International Space Station, situated approximately 248 miles above the Earth. Invader has showcased his work internationally, with exhibitions held in cities including Los Angeles, Paris, Brussels, and Hong Kong, among others.
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